Chinese National Day

China is a country known for holding human dignity and value in high esteem. Even as far as the ancient days, the Chinese ancestors came up with the idea of people being the most important, believing that "man is the most valuable among all the things that heaven fosters." That is, the greatest resource is "Human Resource"! Progress and development of society hinge on human progress and development, and it depends on how well human dignity is maintained and how much human value is realized. 

1st October is the National Day of China and marks the birth of The People's Republic of China (PRC) which took place on October 1, 1949. This special day is a national holiday in China, and it's celebrated to mark the formation of the republic. 

Here is how you can commemorate with the great people of China on this special day: 

1. Warm wishes to you on Chinese National day!

2. May everything go smooth on this National Day!

3. Best wishes on this New Chinese Autumn festival!!

4. Wishing you rapid success on this Chinese Day!

5. May this day bring blossoms in your household!

6. Keep calm and enjoy this sparkling National Day!

7. Here’s wishing you the best on this wonderful Chinese Day! Have fun!!

8. Good fortunes are with you as you celebrate this special Chinese Day!

9. Happy Chinese National day; may all go well with you this day!

10. May all your wishes come true on this National Day! Good luck!

11. May this joyous day bring you Wisdom and Wealth! Happy National Day!

12. Wishing you a meteoric rise in your career on this blissful day!

13. May the lucky star shine to you and your family this autumn! Happy Chinese Day!!

14. May this special National Chinese Day make you win speedy success and realize your ambitions!

15. Hope this special day fills your plates and bowls with riches! Happy Chinese National Day!

16. Happy Chinese National Day! Make sure you get prettier and stay forever young and beautiful!

17. Hope you put in a small investment on this special day and reap huge profits!

18. May peace and harmony be with your country and people! Have a blessed Chinese Day!

19. May the almighty God provide you with wide and plentiful financial resources on this beautiful day! Happy Chinese Autumn Festival!

20. May the river of Gold and Treasure flow into your pockets on this blissful day! Happy Chinese National Day celebrations!!

21. Harmony brings wealth; may the fellowship of this day bring riches to you and your family! Happy Chinese National Day!!

22. Wishing you a vigorous spirit of everlasting peace and safety as you celebrate the National Day! Have a lovely holiday!!

23. May all the blessings of this beautiful day come before you and your household! Have a marvelous Chinese National Day!!

24. Congratulations on having five generations together on this National day, may your family continue to grow in wealth and prosperity!

25. Here’s presenting you sincerest wishes and kind thoughts on this Chinese season of joy! Have a joyous National Day Holiday!

26. May God make your Five blessings come to you on this special day; Health, Wealth, Virtue, Longevity and Natural Death! Enjoy this National Day Celebrations!!

27. May the best of Gold and Silver enter your home on this National day, and may jade fill your halls! Have a wonderful Chinese Day!!

28. May the blessings of this day make luck smile on you and bring good fortunes according to your wishes. Have a splendid Chinese National Day!!

29. Best wishes on this Chinese National Day! May it be a time of real enjoyment and laughter for you and your family! Enjoy your holiday!

30. Let’s celebrate National Day with the beloved people of China. May the almighty God bless you with more opulence and prosperity for the future! Cheers!!

31. Congratulations on this special day that you demonstrated that you’re worthy of independence from your colonial masters. Today is indeed a special National Chinese Day!!


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